- About Kaiyai Girl: the film
- About Let's Yarn
- About Us
- Accessibility
- Acknowledgements
- Acknowledgements
- Background
- Before you get started
- Case Studies
- Chapter 1: Requirements for an effective sexual health and BBV program
- Chapter 2: Community information and education
- Chapter 3: Increasing the uptake of testing
- Chapter 4: Contact tracing
- Chapter 5: Outreach programs: planning, implementation and evaluation
- Chapter 6: Health service data, continuous quality improvement and program evaluation
- Chapter 7: Improving the testing and management of syphilis
- Chapter 8: Improving access to testing and treatment of hepatitis B and C
- Chapter 9: Needle and syringe programs: aims, benefits and how to set up a program
- Contact tracing
- Contact Us
- Copyright
- Cultural considerations
- Disclaimer
- Find out more
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Healthy conversations
- Home
- Introduction
- Kaiyai Girl
- Learning resources
- Main characters
- Need help talking to your patients?
- Other resources for you
- Page not found
- Privacy
- Resources for your kids
- Scenes from the film
- Session plans
- Supporting Documents
- Testing and treatment
- Training and programs
- Useful links
- Using this resource
- Vocabulary
- We value your feedback
- Why is it important to yarn with kids?
- Why is sexuality education important?
- Workforce development
- Yarning Quiet Ways
- Yarning quiet ways
- Yarning tips
- Yarning with bigger ones
- Yarning with little ones
- Yarning with teenagers