For Educators
Cultural considerations
Both students and educators will have their own values, beliefs, attitudes and expectations when it comes to sexuality and relationship education. These resources highlight some cultural factors you will need to consider when engaging with Aboriginal students to ensure that your discussions are respectful and inclusive. In particular, it is important to:
- listen and learn together
- acknowledge that certain issues may be embarrassing or difficult to talk about
- display respect and understanding of Aboriginal cultures
- build a rapport with students
- be flexible and responsive, while at the same time create an environment which is supportive
- not make assumptions about knowledge, sexuality and/or behaviour (NSW Education).
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Student Perspectives
Produced as part of the Voices in Sexuality Education series, this short video (5:10min) provides insights into what Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students want from sexuality and relationship education and mentions some culturally appropriate teaching methods and styles. (Produced by the Centre for Excellence in Rural Sexual Health)

Family Perspectives
Produced as part of the Voices in Sexuality Education series, this short video (3:13min) provides information about how to engage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and communities in sexuality and relationship education. (Produced by the Centre for Excellence in Rural Sexual Health)

Sexuality Education Matters
This resource is designed to assist those teaching in pre-service teacher education programs and to enable graduating teachers to be equipped with the knowledge, skills, comfort and confidence to integrate sexuality education content, issues and activities in health education programs. It includes a section on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander diversity. (Produced by Deakin University)

Cultural Respect Guide
While aimed predominantly at health professionals, this resource has important information for improving communication with Aboriginal people with respect to sex and sexual health. (Produced by NSW North Coast Area Health Service)