Talk Test Treat Trace
Case Studies
'Stay Safe You Mob' campaign
‘Stay Safe You Mob’ is a social marketing campaign that aims to raise awareness of STI prevention and testing amongst young Aboriginal people aged 16-29.
‘How to Treat Hepatitis C’ Video
A video resource was produced to educate Aboriginal people recently diagnosed with hepatitis C on testing and treatment.
Staff orientation to NSP at the Goldfields Public Health Unit
The Goldfields Public Health Unit implements a program where all new staff and student nurses spend time with the Regional Needle and Syringe Program Coordinator as part of their orientation.
Deadly Sista Girlz Program
This program uses female role models to empower and enable young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander girls to make informed decisions about their personal health and wellbeing to lead a positive and healthy lifestyle.
'Look After Your Blood' campaign
'Look After Your Blood' is a social marketing campaign that focuses on the prevention, testing and treatment of blood-borne viruses in young Aboriginal people.