For Parents
Other resources for you

Yarning Quiet Ways
Kids whose parents yarn with them about sex and relationships often have sex at an older age and make safer choices than kids who are left to find out for themselves. This resource is all about the types of things mums and dads can be yarning with their kids about so they can have the skills and knowledge to have strong, safe and healthy relationships. (Produced by WA Health)

Aboriginal Parent Easy Guides
These guides offer simple, easy-to-read information on many of the issues faced by parents from birth through adolescence. Topics include: being a dad, healthy families; role models; safe families; strong families; teenagers. Enter 'Aboriginal Parent Easy Guides' in the 'Search Keyword' box to access list of relevant guides. (Produced by Parenting SA)

This website gives parents information to help kids have positive and safe online experiences. It includes information on sexting and pornography. (Produced by the Office of the Children's eSafety Commissioner)

Kids Helpline
This website has lots of tips and information for parents on topics such as building respectful relationships, dealing with breakups and staying safe online. (Produced by Kids Helpine)

Taz's Story
Taz Clay talks about his incredible journey from a transgender female to male Indigenous person. This video offers insights into the need to support youth finding their own sexual and gender identities. (Produced by Headspace)

Respect Starts With Us
Respectful relationships are important for the health and well-being of young people. This includes being respectful towards others and to themselves. This site contains posters, stories, case studies and other resources to help teach young people about respect.

Hep B Story
The Hep B story is a visual, interactive app in English and Yolŋu matha designed for patients living with chronic hepatitis B (hep B) and their families. It tells the story of the hep B virus, how you get it, what happens over time, how you know you have it as well as details about immunisation and treatment (including a game). There is also a separate women's section dealing with mother to child transmission and ways to prevent it.

Us Mob and HIV
This booklet provides basic information on HIV, focusing on transmission, prevention, HIV testing, HIV treatments, health monitoring, care and support available for people with HIV, as well as service contact details.

Young Deadly Free Resources
Young Deadly Free have released two Relationships and Sexuality Education resources for teachers to use including Young Deadly Free: How to have healthy relationships and Young Deadly Free: Supporting each other to look after our sexual health.